[sourcecode language=”html”][content_layer_map title="Content Layer Map" subtitle="We'd love to hear from you" location="Junipers Blvd. 380 Queens, NY 11379, USA" height="695"]…[/content_layer_map][/sourcecode]
Content layer map parameters
chapter_custom_class - adding custom class allows you to set diverse styles in css to the element. type in name of class, which you defined in css. you can add as much classes as you like.
top_padding - chapter top padding, defines top margin of the chapter. default value is 0. to set the top margin to chapter, enter value in pixels.
bottom_padding - chapter bottom padding, defines bottom margin of the chapter. default value is 0. to set the bottom margin to chapter, enter value in pixels.
hide_overflow - hide overflow? - yes; no;
bright_text - bright text? - yes; no;
show_map_btn_text - show map button text
show_content_btn_text - show content button text
location - enter location eg town
offset - map vertical offset
street_view - street view control - true; false;
map_type - select map type - ROADMAP; SATELLITE; HYBRID; TERRAIN;
map_draggable - draggable - true; false;
animation - chapter animation effect
Content layer map static
121 King Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia
chapter_custom_class - adding custom class allows you to set diverse styles in css to the element. type in name of class, which you defined in css. you can add as much classes as you like.
top_padding - chapter top padding, defines top margin of the chapter. default value is 0. to set the top margin to chapter, enter value in pixels.
bottom_padding - chapter bottom padding, defines bottom margin of the chapter. default value is 0. to set the bottom margin to chapter, enter value in pixels.
hide_overflow - hide overflow? - yes; no;
bright_text - bright text? - yes; no;
location - enter location eg town
offset - map vertical offset
street_view - street view control - true; false;
map_type - select map type - ROADMAP; SATELLITE; HYBRID; TERRAIN;
map_draggable - draggable - true; false;
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Subscribe to general news & updates. We never spam.
[sourcecode language=”html”][newsletter style="block" sub_header="Subscribe to general news & updates. We never spam."][/sourcecode]
newsletter parameters
style - inline; block;
header - header text
sub_header - sub-header text, visible when blockstyle = true
placeholder_email - placeholder, placeholder text for input
placeholders - show placeholders?, placeholders are labels inside inputs which disappear when content is entered - yes; no;