
[sourcecode language=”html”][button size="lg" link="#"]…[/button][/sourcecode]
button parameters
  • size - button size - default; lg; sm; block;
  • type - button type - default; primary;
  • width
  • icon
  • status - enabled; disabled;
  • class - custom class, adding custom class allows you to set diverse styles in css to the element. type in name of class, which you defined in css. you can add as much classes as you like.
  • animation - chapter animation effect

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

Header 5
Header 6

Small header

[sourcecode language=”html”][header level="1"]…[/header][/sourcecode]
header parameters
  • level - level of header - 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6;
  • style - select header style - small; normal;
  • class - header custom class, custom class, adding custom class allows you to set diverse styles in css to the element. type in name of class, which you defined in css. you can add as much classes as you like.
  • animation - chapter animation effect
[sourcecode language=”html”][header level="1"]…[/header][/sourcecode]
block_header parameters
  • header
  • subheader
  • align - header align - left; center; right;
  • class - header custom class, custom class, adding custom class allows you to set diverse styles in css to the element. type in name of class, which you defined in css. you can add as much classes as you like.
  • animation - chapter animation effect

Typography at its best is a visual form of language linking timelessness and time.

[sourcecode language=”html”][blockquote type="standard" author="ROBERT BRINGHURST"]…[/blockquote][/sourcecode]
blockquote parameters
  • author
  • type - standard; centered; intext;
  • huge - huge; no;
  • class - custom class
  • animation - chapter animation effect

Typography at its best is a visual form of language linking timelessness and time.

[sourcecode language=”html”][blockquote type="centered" author="ROBERT BRINGHURST"]…[/blockquote][/sourcecode]
blockquote parameters
  • author
  • type - standard; centered; intext;
  • huge - huge; no;
  • class - custom class
  • animation - chapter animation effect

Asunt in anim uis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse onsectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore it’s a text link. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Typography at its best is a visual form of language linking timelessness and time.


Donec quam metus, facilisis quis luctus eget, lobortis at felis. Nunc varius sodales sem eget viverra. Donec quis quam orci. Curabitur fringilla elit eu cursus ornare. Mauris faucibus rhoncus felis, venenatis pellentesque est sodales vel.

[sourcecode language=”html”][blockquote type="intext" author="ROBERT BRINGHURST"]…[/blockquote][/sourcecode]
blockquote parameters
  • author
  • type - standard; centered; intext;
  • huge - huge; no;
  • class - custom class
  • animation - chapter animation effect

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sit amet libero magna. Mauris at enim vel nibh scelerisque porttitor id ut leo. Phasellus pretium, leo a lobortis aliquam, nunc tortor pulvinar ipsum, et vulputate lacus tortor a eros. Morbi consequat velit eget augue porttitor vitae molestie diam rutrum.

[sourcecode language=”html”][dropcap]…[/dropcap][/sourcecode]

Pellentesque purus lectus, iaculis id ultricies laoreet, auctor quis lacus. Vivamus feugiat cursus suscipit. Phasellus semper auctor hendrerit. In malesuada vehicula sem id ultrices. Nunc ut lorem malesuada vulputate. Nulla vel nisl velit, et rutrum magna. Aliquam eu mauris nisi, sit amet rutrum nulla.

[sourcecode language=”html”][highlight title="This is tooltip description"]purus lectus[/highlight][/sourcecode]
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit
  • Amet consectetuer adipiscing elit
  • Diam nonummy nibh
  • Euismod tincidunt ut laoreet

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit
  • Amet consectetuer adipiscing elit
  • Diam nonummy nibh
  • Euismod tincidunt ut laoreet
[sourcecode language=”html”][list]…[/list][/sourcecode]
[sourcecode language=”html”][list icon="fa-arrow-circle-left"]…[/list][/sourcecode]
list parameters
  • icon
  • class - custom class, set custom class to element
  • type - styled; unstyled;
  • animation - chapter animation effect
Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
Hasad Sears Argentina Nov 12, 2013
Hasad Sears Argentina Nov 12, 2013
Hasad Sears Argentina Nov 12, 2013
Hasad Sears Argentina Nov 12, 2013

[sourcecode language=”html”][table] <table>

table parameters
  • title - header
  • class