Audio and Video


audio parameters
  • mp3 – mp3 file link, direct link to .mp3 file
  • ogg – ogg file link, direct link to .ogg, .oga file
  • poster – poster link
  • posterheight
  • width
  • class – custom class, adding custom class allows you to set diverse styles in css to the element. type in name of class, which you defined in css. you can add as much classes as you like.


video parameters
  • link – direct movie link
  • type – video type (used only if link not given) – youtube; vimeo; dailymotion; flash;
  • clipid – used for youtube, vimeo and dailymotion used only if link not given)
  • src – flash movie source, used only for flash movies
  • m4v – m4v url, .m4v self hosted video url
  • ogv – ogv url, .ogv self hosted video url
  • width
  • height
  • autoplay – autoplay video?
  • params – additional params, params which will be added to url like: type=1&full=1